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Recruitment of recommendation for 「Startup Korea Special Visa」


공고 정보

※ 본 지원사업에 대한 문의˙신청 등의 모든 절차는 수행기관에서 전담하고 있음을 안내드립니다.
공고정보 : 주관기관,신청기간,사업개요,지원규모,지원대상,지원내용,선정 및 평가,신청방법,문의처로 구성된 표입니다.
주관기관 Minister of SMEs and Startups
사업개요 We are introducing a new Startup Korea Special Visa that is issued through recommendations after evaluating the business potential and innovation of startups, and are recruiting applicants as follows.
지원내용 Those who do not have Korean nationality as representatives of start-up companies (including preliminary start-up companies), and (Preliminary) Start-up companies shall be subject to support of the SME Startup Support Act. * Reference to the Announcement
지원대상 청소년,대학생,일반인,대학,연구기관,일반기업,1인 창조기업
신청기간 2024-11-07 ~ 2024-11-20
문의처 0234407348
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